Does Salt Kill Fleas On Hardwood Floors

Does Salt Kill Fleas On Hardwood Floors

Salt is a common household item that has been used for centuries to kill fleas. However, there is some debate about whether or not salt is effective at killing fleas on hardwood floors.

Some people believe that salt can kill fleas by dehydrating them. When fleas come into contact with salt, they absorb the salt through their skin. This causes the fleas to lose water and eventually die.

Others believe that salt is not effective at killing fleas on hardwood floors. They argue that the salt will not be able to penetrate the fleas’ thick exoskeletons. Additionally, they argue that the salt will damage the hardwood floors.

Is Salt Safe to Use on Hardwood Floors?

Salt can damage hardwood floors if it is not used properly. When salt is dissolved in water, it creates a brine solution. Brine solutions can cause wood to swell, warp, and crack.

If you choose to use salt to kill fleas on hardwood floors, it is important to use it sparingly and to clean it up thoroughly afterwards.

How to Use Salt to Kill Fleas on Hardwood Floors

If you decide to use salt to kill fleas on hardwood floors, follow these steps:

  1. Sprinkle a thin layer of salt on the affected areas.
  2. Let the salt sit for 24 hours.
  3. Vacuum up the salt thoroughly.
  4. Mop the area with a damp cloth to remove any remaining salt residue.

Other Ways to Kill Fleas on Hardwood Floors

There are a number of other ways to kill fleas on hardwood floors, including:

  • Diatomaceous earth (DE): DE is a natural substance that is made from the fossilized remains of diatoms. It is effective at killing fleas by dehydrating them. To use DE, simply sprinkle it on the affected areas and let it sit for 24 hours. Then, vacuum up the DE thoroughly.
  • Boric acid: Boric acid is a natural substance that is also effective at killing fleas. To use boric acid, mix it with water and spray it on the affected areas. Let the solution dry completely before vacuuming it up.
  • Flea bombs: Flea bombs are a type of pesticide that can be used to kill fleas in a large area. To use a flea bomb, simply place it in the center of the room and leave it for the amount of time specified on the label. Then, return to the room and ventilate it thoroughly.

How to Prevent Fleas from Coming Back

Once you have killed the fleas on your hardwood floors, it is important to take steps to prevent them from coming back. Here are a few tips:

  • Vacuum your floors regularly: This will help to remove any fleas eggs or larvae that may be present.
  • Wash your pet’s bedding regularly: This will help to kill any fleas that may be living in your pet’s bedding.
  • Use a flea and tick preventative on your pet: This will help to prevent fleas from attaching to your pet in the first place.


Salt can be used to kill fleas on hardwood floors, but it is important to use it sparingly and to clean it up thoroughly afterwards. There are a number of other ways to kill fleas on hardwood floors, such as using diatomaceous earth, boric acid, or flea bombs. It is also important to take steps to prevent fleas from coming back, such as vacuuming your floors regularly, washing your pet’s bedding regularly, and using a flea and tick preventative on your pet.

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