Is Truss Uplift Covered By Insurance?

Is Truss Uplift Covered By Insurance?


Truss uplift is a common problem in homes with roof trusses, especially in cold climates. It occurs when the trusses bend upwards due to the weight of snow and ice on the roof. This can cause cracks in the walls and ceilings, and can even lead to structural damage.

Homeowners often wonder if their insurance will cover the cost of repairing truss uplift damage. The answer is not always straightforward, as it depends on the specific terms of your policy.

What is Truss Uplift?

Truss uplift is a phenomenon that occurs when the roof trusses in a home bend upwards. This can be caused by a number of factors, including the weight of snow and ice on the roof, high winds, and structural defects.

When trusses bend upwards, it can cause cracks in the walls and ceilings of the home. In severe cases, truss uplift can even lead to structural damage.

What Causes Truss Uplift?

There are a number of factors that can cause truss uplift, including:

  • The weight of snow and ice on the roof: This is the most common cause of truss uplift, especially in cold climates.
  • High winds: Strong winds can also cause truss uplift, especially when the roof is not securely fastened.
  • Structural defects If there are structural defects in the roof trusses, they may become more vulnerable to uplift.
  • Improper maintenance: Inadequate maintenance of the roof can increase its susceptibility to damage that may result in uplift.

How to Prevent Truss Uplift

There are a number of things that homeowners can do to prevent truss uplift, including:

  • Install a snow and ice guard: A snow and ice guard is a device that is installed on the edge of the roof to help prevent snow and ice from building up and sliding off.
  • Trim trees and shrubs near the roof: Trees and shrubs can fall on the roof and cause damage, which can lead to uplift.
  • Have the roof inspected regularly: A qualified roofing contractor can inspect the roof for signs of damage or potential problems.

Is Truss Uplift Covered By Insurance?

Whether or not truss uplift is covered by insurance depends on the specific terms of your policy. Some policies may cover truss damage, while others may not.

If you are unsure whether or not your policy covers uplift damage, you should contact your insurance company. They will be able to review your policy and let you know if you are covered.

If Your Insurance Policy Covers Truss Uplift Damage

If your insurance policy covers uplift damage, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company. The insurance company will then send an adjuster to inspect the damage and assess the cost of repairs.

Once the adjuster has completed their inspection, they will submit a report to the insurance company. The insurance company will then review the report and decide whether or not to approve the claim.

If the insurance company approves the claim, they will pay the cost of repairs, up to the limits of your policy.

If Your Insurance Policy Does Not Cover Truss Uplift Damage

The insurance policy does not cover truss damage, you will be responsible for the cost of repairs yourself.

There are a few things you can do to reduce the cost of repairs, such as:

  • Getting multiple estimates from different contractors: This will help you to get the best possible price on the repairs.
  • Doing some of the work yourself: If you are handy, you may be able to do some of the work yourself, such as removing and replacing drywall.
  • Financing the repairs: If you cannot afford to pay for the repairs upfront, you may be able to finance them through a contractor or through a home improvement loan.


Truss uplift is a common problem in homes with roof trusses, especially in cold climates. It can cause cracks in the walls and ceilings, and can even lead to structural damage.

Homeowners should review their insurance policy to determine whether it covers truss damage. If their policy does not provide coverage, homeowners will need to bear the cost of repairs on their own.

Here are some additional tips for homeowners who are dealing with truss uplift damage:

  • Act quickly: The sooner you repair the damage, the less likely it is that it will spread to other areas of your home.
  • Document the damage: Take photos and videos of the damage to your home. This will help you to support your insurance claim and to get the best possible price on repairs.
  • Work with a qualified contractor: Hire a qualified and experienced contractor to repair the damage to your home. This will help to ensure that the repairs are done properly and that your home is protected from future damage.