What Colour is Anthracite? Exploring the Shades of Anthracite

What Colour is Anthracite

What is Anthracite?

Anthracite is a type of coal that is known for its dark and rich colour. It is often used as a decorative material in various applications such as architecture, interior design, and fashion. Many people wonder what colour anthracite actually is, as it can vary depending on different factors.

The Shades of Anthracite

Anthracite can range from a deep black shade to a dark grey or even a bluish-black tone. The colour is influenced by the carbon content and the impurities present in the coal. Higher carbon content generally results in a darker shade of anthracite.

Additionally, the lighting conditions and the surface texture of anthracite can also affect its perceived colour. In certain lighting, anthracite may appear more grey or even have a metallic sheen.

Applications of Anthracite Colour

The unique colour of anthracite makes it a popular choice in various industries. In architecture, anthracite is often used for cladding, roofing, and paving. Its dark and sophisticated look adds a touch of elegance to any building.

In interior design, anthracite is used for flooring, countertops, and wall coverings. It provides a sleek and modern aesthetic to spaces. Anthracite is also commonly used in fashion, particularly in clothing and accessories. Its deep shade adds a sense of luxury and refinement.


So, what colour is anthracite? It can be described as a dark and rich shade that can range from black to dark grey or even bluish-black. The colour is influenced by factors such as carbon content, impurities, lighting conditions, and surface texture. Anthracite is a versatile material that is widely used in architecture, interior design, and fashion due to its unique and sophisticated look.